Five years ago today, this website was in the midst of yet another hiatus, resulting in an unfortunate situation where we were unable to contruct a proper tribute to our favorite singer. As we remember "the day twitter exploded," let's take a look back on the jams that would be on the bizarro universe's "Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits" collection.

Track 1: "Another Part of Me" (1986)
The other song from Captain EO. Later appeared on Bad as the only single that broke his streak of 6 or 7 consistent #1's. As a result, it's less overplayed and fresher-sounding.
Track 2: "Say Say Say" (1984)
Flawness production. Easy to dismiss since it appears on Paul's album and not Michael's, but the drums and bass should dismiss those dismissals.
Track 3: "Torture" (1984)
Michael says "You suck Jermaine." Jermaine says, "no I don't. Remember? 'Tor-ture...'."
#22 on our '80s guilt list.
Track 4: "Give In To Me" (1991)
MJ says "Yo Slash, what's up?" Slash says "[guitar solo]."
Track 5: "Stranger In Moscow" (1995)
MJ's a chill bro.
#44 on our '90s guilt list.
Track 6: "Off The Wall" (1979)
Another collab with Rod Temperton (the dude who wrote "Thriller"). It charted decently well for a song that rarely appears on best-of comps. But that's the thing about MJ: His top 10 bangers (which would suffice for greatest hits material from virtually any other artist) typically get swept under the rug in favor of the ultra-ubiquitous.
Track 7: "This Time Around" (1995)
When Biggy met Michael...
Track 8: "This Place Hotel" (1980)
Originally "Heartbreak Hotel."
Track 9: "State of Shock" (1984)
MJ's like "sup Mick."
Track 10: "You Rock My World"
The perfect closing song to any Michael Jackson comp.
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