Friday, October 18, 2019

10-minute post: Our Affiliates

If you'd like to learn more about TMK, why not check out some of our esteemed affiliate content affiliates?

One thing you might notice about all of these: We are very bad at marketing ourselves, thus the audience numbers are low. But hopes are up, and we got the shit you need.

Affiliate #1: MTVZ

There's no wrong way to fuck with MTVZ. You can watch it on your lappy-top and skip around to the videos with the most enticing titles. (And add all of them to your Youtube favorites.)

You could also try out our preferred experience: Stream it with the streaming stick of your choice, and leave it on while you do chores. Just like MTV in the old days. It even works on Roku!

A new MTVZ will arrive in November. In the meantime here's the August 2019 edition:

Affiliate #2: The MTVZ Store

Is it weird to post this here? We now have a t-shirt store!!

Affiliate #3: After Hours Radio

Every night at 10PM after specialty shows, our overnight radio flip takes over the airwaves of WXCI. The Fall semester is in full swing at the moment, so the After Hours block will typically begin closer to midnight until December.

In the meantime, we are doing a terrible job of keeping the official website updated: AfterHoursFM.Com.

There's also an After Hours Mixcloud account for on-demand streaming. Here's one of the captures:

Affiliate #4: Late Night Noise

It's every Monday night, and it's a great time. Check out our weirdo/experimental/outsider/noisy/lofi radio show.

Late Night Noise also has it's own separate Mixcloud account where we also occasionally upload other older radio shows that we hosted between 2002 and the present.

That's probably everything.

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