Stupid brain, you go squish now.
I think we're supposed to only embed Bandcamp shit now. If we can find the song on Soundcloud, we'll post a link.
Spotify are a bunch of dumbasses, but we ignored their shittiness and started a dope playlist anyway. You can listen if you want:
Hot Mix 2013 on Spotify |
#100 - 91 |
#90 - 81 |
#80 - 71 |
#70 - 61 |
#60 - 51 |
#50 - 41 |
#40 - 31 |
#30 - 21 |
#20 - 11 |
#10 - 1 |
100. Trinidad Jame$ “Female$ Welcomed”

This might have placed much higher had it not been for the awkwardly inserted dubstep-flavored coda section. While this portion of the song might have worked wonderfully as its own separate thing, it kinda kills the dopeness of the initially established beat that starts “Female$ Welcomed,” where Jame$ explains the issues with his side bitch, main bitch and main ho all collectively deciding at once that they ain't feelin' him no mo. Rough times for the hood rich.
99. Sungod “Gas is Better than Gas”

The vaguely familiar goth-keyboard intro explodes into a monstrous orgy of delay pedals and wah-fills. Their song titles and artwork suggest Sungod may be similarly obsessed with the same big-bang space-time theories that fueled the themes of their progressive psych forefathers, circa 1970 (albeit with less nonsensical spoken word passages). Their LP
Contackt probably looks just as dope synched along with the final 23 minutes of
2001: A Space Odyssey as “Echoes” ever did.
98. Lil B “Love N Hate” / Lil B “Eat”

Lil B's recent adventures include maintaining his 2012 announcement of a long promised
mixtape starring his adopted cat Keke. He was also privileged enough to witness a dude
drinking gasoline on the day before Halloween, to which he responds "protect the children." Then just four days ago, he dropped a massively based 101 track mixtape called “05 Fuck Em,” which include rare freestyles over System Of A Down's “Toxicity” and several allusions to “greatest unsigned rapper,” getting signed, and becoming a billionaire. The challenge of narrowing his 2013 output (nearly 180 based jams) down to one is not only impossible, but oddly rewarding. We settled on two jams, both from
Pink Flame (probably his best mixtape of the year): “Love N Hate” (because it sounds like the dirtiest of dirty West Coast 90s) and “Eat” (because it's fucking amazing).
"Love N Hate":
"Eat" (video):
97. Selena Gomez “Come & Get It”

A voice more naïve than Rihanna's gets to sing on a song clearly intended for Rihanna. Selena benefits hugely, as her less ambitious party-mode proved far more admirable than Miley's “I do what I want” schtick.
96. Vampire Weekend “Everlasting Arms”

Album of the year? Oh puh-leeze. Don't these guys still wear Abercrombie polos like it's 1999-2006 all over again? (Remember when Fat Joe thought it was cool to wear pink polos? LOL what a turd.) As much as we'd love to ignore VW based on the overextended exaggerations of their virtues (which has nothing to do with the music itself), we simply can't ignore good ideas when they're blatantly staring us in the face. And yes, this time it's all about the warpy keyboard patch in “Everlasting Arms,” probably the highlight of this entire record. Much like the hugeness of the drums in “Giving Up The Gun” from 2010, sometimes just one inspired production aspect is all it takes to turn dime-a-dozen blandness (ie, VW's songwriting) into genuine dopeness. So far, they've nailed it at least once on each of their releases.
95. Justin Timberlake “Tunnel Vision”

An album chock-fulla “Tunnel Vision”-caliber dopeness might not have surpassed JT's last 2 LPs, but probably would have been more widely appreciated. Unfortunately, Timbaland confirmed what we had all been dreading: He's lost the midas touch, a big part of what made the two volumes of
20/20 Experience such a disappointingly labored bumout with (mostly) lackluster beats to showcase “Jut Timb” bending over backwards for widespread acceptance. If he's so concerned about getting everyone to like him, and if his
SNL skits are (probably) his most appreciated recent performances, it might be in his best interests to consider joining the
SNL cast as a weekly employee. We highly doubt anyone would complain. (He's already funnier than Andy Samberg without really trying.)
Whoa, this song has a video?
(P.S. ICYMI, the “Tunnel Vision” single arrived with probably the most
awkwardly-unsexy-while-trying-to-be-sexy cover art in recent memory.)
94. Little Big League “Brackish Water”

While the music suggests a heavy sadness, vocal strain towards the end of this song reveals frustration and urgency. Long after the point when hope is lost, you'll do anything for closure, but it's just not gonna happen. So just keep drinking until another opportunity arrives. That's the best most of us can do these days. She sounds like the singer from The Sundays, except we're pretty sure we like Little Big League a lot better. The guitar tones are pretty massive too, reminiscent of Ringo Deathstarr's recent output. (That's a good thing.)
93. Cave “Shikaakwa”

We got into the habit of calling these guys “Cave from Chicago.” In a year with no new output from Beak>, Cave's new record can safely secure its title as “best kraut-influenced release of the year.” We decided upon “Shikaakwa” as the standout mostly due to tasteful inclusion of flute, a very tricky instrument to include in this type of music. It's like playing minesweeper... One wrong step and you may turn into
Aqualung, "Colour My World," or (even worse) Firefall.
92. Action Bronson & Party Supplies “Jackson Travolta”

As it turns out, we're huge suckers for the little “Cousin Brucie”/“CBS-FM” tags inserted by Party Supplies. It's probably our favorite element within
Blue Chips 2. (Is that lame?) We're not sure of the source for this otherwise outstanding soul-sample, but the Eddie Hazel singed guitar shred at the end raises some suspicions. All throughout
BC2, Action Bronson remains as fun and playful as ever, completely justifying the blessing that covers his Son-of-Ghostface vocal chords.
91. California X “Pond Rot”

The mammoth mutant cyclops continues smashing mountains to bits, but he's learned to enunciate his English slightly better than on last year's “Sucker” b/w “Mummy” 7-inch, a record that turned out to be the “preview” for what was to follow. “Pond Rot” is when cyclops takes a nap next to the pond and has nightmares. It includes (probably) the most massive riffs on Cali X's self-titled, and (arguably) among the most intimidating of an entire year's worth of giants.
Hot Mix 2013 on Spotify |
#100 - 91 |
#90 - 81 |
#80 - 71 |
#70 - 61 |
#60 - 51 |
#50 - 41 |
#40 - 31 |
#30 - 21 |
#20 - 11 |
#10 - 1 |
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