Hot year for singles... Shitty year for albums.... Just like the last 5 years. What else is new?
100 Weezer "Everyone" There’s a shit-ton of throwbacks on this list, and starting out with a recently uncovered demo from 1998 may not be the best sign for what’s to come, but yeah, whatever. "Everyone" probably would have ended up as a throwaway b-side, but compared to Weezer in 2010, it sounds like fucking Abbey Road. A kickass outro bass lick (courtesy of Mikey Welsh) saves this one after a decently embarrassing middle section, almost equally as embarrassing as the meaningless lyrics (although reasonably no more embarrassing than those in “Butterfly”). Pretend that Weezer still sounds like this and pump it while driving around. Should be a blast.
99 N*E*R*D "Life As A Fish" The best song about evolution released in 2010, in the style of “Provider” from In Search Of. And if you haven’t heard the 2002 version of that album in a while, do yourself a huge favor and load it onto your iPod. It’s better than you remember it. “Life As A Fish” is the best N*E*R*D track released since then. (Tyler The Creator tweeted about it probably 7 times this year, so thanks to him for bringing it to our attention.)
98 Malachai “Snowflake” I unknowingly Shazam’d this song 3 times this year. That must count for something.
97 The Black Keys “Howlin’ For You” The “Danger Mouse” sound is officially stale as fuck. Guessing “Howlin’ For You” is the last case in which fleeting glipses of freshness will emit from this dude, although the "Rock And Roll Part 2" drums got old right around the time of "I Kissed A Girl" which was roughly 2.5 years ago at this point. P.S. The Black Keys somehow blew the fuck up with that whistling song appearing in like 15 TV commercials in 2010, so good for them I guess.
96 James Pants “I Live Inside An Egg” This dude lucked out on his last name. More 8-bit nes shit. We love good weird noises. Need more.
95 Fucked Up “Year Of The Ox” Here’s hoping Fucked Up never releases a compilation of their “Year Of The ___” series, as 12+ punk rock songs all of which are longer than 10 minutes might equate extreme yawns. As a single, “Ox” is one of the best of these so far, evoking a hardcore version of Stereolab or Primal Scream. Still trying to figure out why the 2 singers cover their heads in colored tape while they’re singing. At least, it’s something interesting to look at.
94 Caribou “Kaili” If this guy sang like the dude from Underworld, this might have been an “album of the year” contender. But unfortunately, he turned up the vox a little too much and barely missed out on the top 3. Caribou’s production is still tight as fuck though. We're banking on a return to “Melody Day” form on the next record, but Swim is still his best LP so far.
93 YG “Toot It And Boot It” YG, you have the ugliest tattoos I've ever seen in my entire life. There's no guilty pleasures list this year, but this would have been a fucking HUGE one. YG was discussed here back in September, regarding how nice it was to see that his Hot 100 debut was higher than Cee-Lo Green's "Fuck You" (a song that will NOT be appearing in this top 100, thanks). At one point, "Toot It And Boot It" was wrongly considered for this year's top 10, so there was no way it could have been left out altogether. Out of all the recent "jerk" anthems, this is the only one that seemed to evoke 70's Motown with that "whoa-ohhh-whooaa" section. Earl Sweatshirt would not be happy to see this here.
92 Deftones “Sextape” Ever since White Pony, all Deftones albums need at least a few slithery, mysterious space jams.
91 Lou Barlow + The Missingmen "Losercore" Just discovered approximately 30 seconds ago that "Losercore" was not written at any point within the last year or 2, but was actually originally from something called Sentridoh which makes perfect sense as to why it would emerge as one of the 100 best songs of 2010. I somehow keep finding myself discovering awesome rock songs that I assume are from new bands, that end up turning out to be from the 90's or early 00's, which happened with about half of the songs on Music From Scott Pilgrim.
Originally, we had wanted to say, "This could have been on Barlow's Kids soundtrack," which now makes perfect sense, as this song was written 3 years before Kids. Anyway, the 2010 version is the superior "rocked out" re-recording.. It's still technically 2010. No streams available, but the mp3 is here...
TASTE MY KIDS is a digital newsletter compiling recommendations for a happier and healthier existence, most often in the form of "best-of" lists, youtube posts, album or movie reviews, and various scribblings. We lived on Geocities starting in August 2000. In January 2009, times got tough and posts were on hiatus until a new host could be located. Geocities eventually died anyway, and now we live on blogspot. True story.
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