80 Pusha T featuring Tyler The Creator “Trouble On My Mind” #ProudOfTyler Relatively unknown throughout summer 2010, Tyler was not only nominated for VMA’s the following summer, but was also awarded the opportunity to create music alongside his idols. That’s how quickly it works these days, resting among our favorite “We won” moments of the year. We still maintain that “Chad Hugo’s pupils” was intended to be a weed reference - not a racist Asian joke - but we’re apparently the only ones who think so.
79 Ringo Deathstarr “Day Dreamy” As much as we enjoy the (equally) unfortunately named The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, they still sound very much like a product of their time compared to the painstaking authenticity of RD’s Colour Trip. A SHOE-IN for our SHOE-GAZE LP of the year (See what we did there?), it may prove to have more longevity thanks to the loud songs having much harder punches, far trippier aspects on the dreamy songs such as “Day Dreamy,” and (arguably) better songwriting overall...
78 Dope Body “Enemy Outta Me”
With respect to (an awesome noisy rock band called) The Men and the past year of abundant loud catharsis, Dope Body still claimed possibly our favorite noise single of 2011 with “Enemy Outta Me.” We recall its Youtube comments claiming that it ripped off Nirvana’s “Mr. Moustache,” so it's possible a subconscious connection helped out in this case, although we don’t necessarily hear the connection...
77 Chris Brown “She Ain’t You” Chris Brown is clearly among the most loathsome assholes in pop music, and frankly we’re getting tired of seeing so many respectable artists working with him, helping to justify his scumminess. To make matters worse, “Look At Me Now” got its dick sucked because Busta Rhymes was asked to insert an irritatingly endless “fast-rap” cameo that impressed lots of really dumb people. If there were any justice in this world, chicks would not be lining up at 5AM to see Chris Brown perform on The Today Show or whatever shitty morning show he sang on wearing his cute little bowtie. He’s a fucking piece of shit who does not deserve success.
With that said, “She Ain’t You” is a testament to the power of “Human Nature,” a song we slightly regret not including in “80 Jams From The 80’s” a few years back. There’s something about combining elements from SWV’s “Right Here” along with the MJ original and creating something fresh out of it... As scummy as he is, we still found the concept irresistible and among our guiltiest pleasures of the year...
76 Bombay Bicycle Club “Bad Timing” Familiar in a good way... The singer totally sounds like the guy from The Secret Machines. (Whatever happened to those guys? Ten Silver Drops was so badass.) And although the rest of their album doesn't sound much like Silversun Pickups, we're detecting SP in "Bad Timing." Also, sick outro... Hitting us in a vaguely nostalgic area...
75 Adele “Someone Like You” The immense success of “Rolling In The Deep” can be partially attributed to Donna Summers fans and disco-nostalgia. We never really “got” Donna Summers, which is probably why we merely rated it as marginal. Not long afterwards, we ignored the buzz about “Someone Like You” prior to its release as a single, and so it took us by surprise after the video debuted, far too universally deep to strike us as anything other than among the most depressing things ever. We think Adele needs a hug, you guys...
74 Yuck “Rubber” A big black mass of antimatter gloriously devouring everything in its path. If there’s a single 90’s band we hear in “Rubber,” it’s Space Needle. Besides that, we hear tons of No Age (a loud-guitar band from the 2000’s who somehow unjustly avoided a similarly lame/false “90’s nostalgia” tag... What the fuck...) Also, we’ve been told the video includes boobs and vag... Okay, we just watched it, and yeah, they're in there alright...
73 Avril Lavigne “What The Hell” We love Avril Lavigne so fucking much. Like seriously. She is the shit, especially since she divorced that mushy-faced has-been dude from Sum 41 and turned into our favorite slut of the 2011 year. We don’t even know what any of her other recent songs sound like... except for her super-catchy medium-sized hit “What The Hell.” Somehow she’s still scoring hit singles. Strange, but whatever... (“She look good.” - Jay-Z) We also love handclaps, which tremendously helps her case past the superficial aspects. The weird organ reminds us of Ceasars’ decent 2003 single “Jerk It Out” or Smash Mouth’s “Walking On The Sun,” a song we loved when it was brand new and then never enjoyed ever again.
72 Rebecca Black “Friday” / Pharrell “Fun, Fun, Fun” "Let's forget all that bullshit and have a fuckin' rager!!" "Gonna have a good time, c'mon c'mon y'all..." While Michael Jackson’s Off The Wall is the greatest album to include this theme, Andrew WK’s I Get Wet unexpectedly became one of the most influential LP’s on 2011 pop. Who would’ve thought? Def not us. Years later, “Friday” and “Fun, Fun, Fun” both seem to have been considered by their respective songwriters as “throwaways,” with neither producer fully realizing the potential of all their best elements. No matter what anyone has to say about it, the chorus of “Friday” got stuck in everyone’s heads for a fucking reason: BECAUSE IT’S AMAZING. And we wouldn't be surprised if “Pato” (the writer of “Friday”) took inspiration from “Fun, Fun, Fun,” a children’s song Pharrell wrote for Dispicable Me a few months prior.
71 Iceage “Broken Bone” These guys are like the Foster The People of the underground punk scene. But we’re really only saying that because “internet buzz” suggests that girls are into them because they’re all like 19 and young and exciting n stuff. We forgot what country they’re from.
TASTE MY KIDS is a digital newsletter compiling recommendations for a happier and healthier existence, most often in the form of "best-of" lists, youtube posts, album or movie reviews, and various scribblings. We lived on Geocities starting in August 2000. In January 2009, times got tough and posts were on hiatus until a new host could be located. Geocities eventually died anyway, and now we live on blogspot. True story.
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