Is this really gonna be the title of "best videos of 2012" special? I mean we could just be horrible lame and boring and title it "best videos of the year" and then just pull out the poison berries.
Okay, since the berries are slick, we're gonna change the name to "Lickity Slick Vid Clips 2012." Cool new rule.
It may be worth mentioning that the usual ringers who round up the years best videos have all but disappeared over the past 12 months... Were was Gondry? Spike Jonze? Cunningham? Jonathan Glazer? Jonas Akerlund? Shynola? Mike Mills? Samuel Bayer? Or the artist who normally throw together the most absurd displays as of late... Gaga? Rammstein? They're nowhere to be seen. It took some digging, but we're found some nice vids. Hopefully they'll live up to the hype...
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