We say "Fuck Nike commercials" generally speaking. But they didn't feel the same way between 1987 and 1992. It seemed like there was legit artistry involved in unifying people. Yes, everyone involved was selling stuff, but not in a manner that's anywhere close to egregiously blatant product placements in the past 10 years of rap videos.
Ultimately, Yoko was right...

Every kid in our 2nd grade class knew "Revolution" because of this commercial. And honestly, it was a dope commercial. (If you were younger than 13 when the ad came out, you should be allowed to remember a commercial as "dope.")
Every kid in our 7th grade class knew "Instant Karma" for the same reason - because of a dope Nike commercial that was played on MTV a lot.
The version of the "Revolution" commercial that we remember does not seem to be anywhere on Youtube, but "Instant Karma" is there.
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