Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The May 2020 Edition of MTVZ with Duck.exe on the cover

MTVZ Issue #23 or #24. We lost count.

The latest edition of MTVZ is here. We are suspecting that this is right around "the big moment" we've been waiting for, which is that we have successfully located everything in the history of Youtube that is worth including in MTVZ. Like we're almost there anyway.

But we also think that when it gets close to "yeah that's it, we found everything" is also around the time when MTVZ will start to get really bizarre, which is what has happened here. This isn't necessarily "the best" MTVZ of all time but it is very strange, even for MTVZ.

Scroll through and you'll see what we mean.

Also NEW NEWS FOR MTVZ Subscribers:

So for some fucking dumb reason, Google and Youtube decided it would be a brilliant idea to add a feature that asks "ARE YOU STILL WATCHING?" about once per hour. This is extremely dumb and bad because it defeats the purpose of MTVZ, whose tagline is "MTVZ: Leave It On." So we can no longer "LEAVE IT ON" for longer than an hour without having to physically pick up the remote and hit the "YES" button (at least not while leaving it on with Roku or Firestick or Chromecast or whatever you use).

It's almost as if Youtube and Google know that people are taking matters into their own hands by curating their own personal "best of"s which is something that Big Tech hates.

Big Tech hates when their human/robot curation machine cannot entirely control what you see. They want you to only see the "next" video in their cue, algorithmically programmed by their Most Googly -- people who probably think Meme Appetit is funny. (Btw Meme Appetit is one of the thousands of recently launched painfully unfunny meme accounts set up by people trying to make money by creating memes who don't seem to have a basic understanding of why memes "meme." Bon Appetite Test Kitchen people are all very nice and cool and they deserve better than this.)

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