We watched some of the lol-tastic DNC simulcast, and last night we watched some of the RNC's satanic infomercial that did not happen at the actual RNC.
Are we again facing the douche vs turd scenario? Yeah kind of. Except this time it's a zero-douche vs an apocalyptic turd. It's a douche who is a joke vs literal satan. It's an understatement in itself to label the "lesser of two evils" argument as an understatement. And the world is more unpredictable than ever, which is probably what a lot of people wanted in 2016.
No one knows what's going to happen. But there are patterns.
As far as the federal election is concerned, anything can happen, although the patterns that are in place are increasing the odds that The Doctor Professor will probably receive less electoral college votes than last time around -- perhaps enough that he will be forced out of office.
Pattern #1: The approval rating has barely budged outside of the 40-45% zone. Since the advent of approval ratings, he's the only one whose percentage has never bounced around enough to exceed 50%. It hasn't really moved. Approximately the same number of people who voted red before will vote red this time. And that's not helpful on either side since last time he lost popular vote by 3 million, which means the states who voted against him had generally large landslides, while the states who voted in his favor generally made it happen with a slim margin. This could happen again!
Pattern #2: We could be wrong, but we get the impression that young voters -- especially ones who were not able to vote 1-4 years ago -- seem to understand the power of local congressional elections more than their elders. It seems like boomers typically focus only on federal elections and incorrectly assume that every decision dictating our national wellbeing rests within the hands of one person.
Pattern #3: The senate will turn blue very soon. Progressives will hold seats in the house more than ever before. As much as we hate to say it, this might not have happened without the current circumstances. As this pattern continues, power is removed from the federal branch in either case. If Unky Joe wins, he has to work with them. If Doctor Professor sticks around, they'll refuse to agree on anything and nothing gets done.
The boomers and gen x cusps who voted red last time around -- the ones who haven't died since 2016 -- will generally vote the same as before. However, young people generally want Dr Prof gone -- especially ones who turned 18 in the past four years.
So in the event that Dr. Prof wins the electoral college again, we're assuming the difference in popular vote might even surpass 3 million, and it will be another fluke victory.
Unless... these young people who couldn't vote last time around and want to vote in November currently live in states like Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. It's possible that our future rests entirely in their hands.
It's also possible that for these young people who haven't voted before, mail-in ballots might be trickier than average. And that's also a factor.
Also here's some more "WHATS GONNA HAPPEN" -- A victory for Dr. Professor on November 3rd will immediately spread into the streets on November 4th in a manner twice as large and twice as loud as what happened throughout June. And eventually, it will embolden twice as many young people and progressives to run for office and win. If he wins, both ends of the spectrum will strengthen, and the civil war that's already started in the past few months will turn uglier.
In the likely event that Unky Joe wins electoral college, it probably won't be by a large number, resulting in extensive vote-counting and immediate rejection of results by the far right. Again, this will result in large protests, except perhaps more violent ones than in June, with neo-teaparty people and leftists potentially at each other's throats.
We forget where we heard this projection: The one scenario whose outcome does not include massive violent protests will occur after the unlikely event of a landslide victory for Diamond Joe. Of course, BLM protests will commence and neo-teaparty protesters will be out there as well, but on a much smaller scale than the other scenarios.
So yea, we should want this to happen. We're anti-civil war around here.
Speaking on behalf of apparently bad progressives and bad socialists, we plan to vote in favor of senile Unky Joe and Kamala The Cop, the most direct method of voting against the Doctor Professor and the prospect of his eventual abortion-hating supreme court and senate majority leader.
We hugely welcome the opportunity get angry and roll our eyes at Diamond Joe and The Cop's stupidity, as opposed to getting confronted by literal daily catastrophes. Joe Blow is a zero, and he will probably get nothing done. But zero is a higher number than negative 5 billion. A zero is a preferable option to the literal worst person in the entire world. To be honest, we would take George W Bush before accepting the current situation. Literally anyone.
And it's not like Doctor Professor and his weak-willed stans are just gonna go away. He'll still be in the news every day spreading more lies for the next four years no matter what happens. The underdog status will probably endear him to his base.
It's no secret that the DNC does not give a fuck about far-leftists or progressives, and what they did to Bernard and to us is disgusting and unforgivable. But this is not the time to have a neolib vs progressive debate -- incidentally, the same discourse that cost Bernard the nomination. Our vote for Unky Joe has nothing to do with support for the DNC or "blue no matter who." Listen to Bernard -- he makes a lot more sense than most progressives right now. He's not "selling out." He's rightfully reacting to the extremes -- the climate change crisis for instance. That's one thing Joe actually will fight for, believe it or not. We need to take Bernard's lead here. Let's at least try to wipe some of the slate first, and then after November 4th we can resume the neolib vs progressive debate. Now is not the time for this.
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