Focusing on the positives, right? Is that what we're supposed to be doing?
We'll probably whip up a Hot Mix 2020 sometime soon, but New Shit Radars are faster so let's just do this instead.
This month's New Shit Radar is sponsored by the 2020 blockbuster Money Plane starring Kelsey Grammar, Joey Lawrance, and Edge -- who incidentally also won the 2021 Royal Rumble. Incidentally, Kelsey Grammar's character in Money Plane (for unknown reasons) refers to himself as "The Rumble," which means that Edge conquered The Rumble twice in the past year, which is probably a first in the history of humanity. So we supposed it's been a good few months for Edge.
We dedicated our most recent New Music playlist to Money Plane:
Sedona Loves The Sea Machine
Before Sedona rebranded as a band, her ultra-earwormy cosplay of Madonna's first album was almost definitely one of the best songs from the past 24 months that seemingly no one has heard or talked about.
This horrible trend of dope music getting buried by music writers is beyond old. But that Phoebe Bridgers tho -- her bland unmemorable "rock" is entirely worth encompassing an entire halfweek of CIA-planted Twitter debate. Totally worthy.
We're happy to report that Sedona's new track is dope as fuck, and if the intro is any indication, she apparently loves the Sea Machine pedal as much as we do.
Heele Will Drop New Heat Next Week
The new track is called "A New Friend" and it's coming your way a week from today! In the meantime, enjoy their latest:
Phife Dawg Lives On, New Album Coming Soon
Posthumous Phife Dawg album will be arriving later this Spring. We kinda love the new track "Nutshell Part 2" -- although whenever we hear Busta Rhymes' old-guy-swag, it gives us the same feeling we had watching Keanu in Bill and Ted 3. Try to smile a little bit more in your middle age, fellas. It's not that bad.
Potty Mouth Is Back With Some Non-Album-Track Fire
"Let Go" is their latest. We like the weird synths in this one.
We Like A Non-Weezer Song That's Currently Charting On Billboard Alt Rock Radio Airplay
This is actually huge news since we hated every song that placed in the Billboard Alternative Songs Year End chart with the exception of the admittedly decent "Bloody Valentine" by Machine Gun Kelly. (And if we were forced to choose another at gunpoint, "If You're Too Shy (Let Me Know)" by The 1975 isn't the most unfortunate thing we've ever heard although that's really pushing it.)
There's also a currently charting Weezer single that's ok featuring a string quartet replacing Rivers Cuomo's and Brian Bell's guitars. It's no "King Of The World," but it's fine.
The non-Weezer single that we like is from the unfortunately named I Don't Know How But They Found Me, a two-piece led by the guitarist who replaced Ryan Ross when he left Panic At The Disco in 2009. Accordingly, it reminds us of a bunch of hi-fi alternative radio songs from 2008-2009 -- the era of La Roux's "Bulletproof" and Passion Pit and 3Oh!3 and MGMT and that band who wasn't bad but for some bizarre reason decided it would be a good idea to name themselves Black Kids.
Due to its odd 2009-non-throwback nature, it helped us realize that label consolidation and Youtube and SiriusXM and Spotify and poptimism and American Idol and "music journalists having the final say on the revised canon" have done wonders as far as guiding music to the point where literally nothing is willing to change and charting music sounds exactly the same as it did in the late 2000s. By early 2001, the world was already fully immersed in the first era of "80s nostalgia capitalism," and nothing remotely close to that equivalent is occurring in 2021. Because nothing has changed at all -- long term or short term. Four months from now, the same songs will be charting in roughly the same positions. Four years from now, the same artists will be charting with different songs in the same positions. And yea, this is obviously unsustainable, unless the music business wants to die. In which case, they're doing a tremendous job of self-sabotage.
Anyway, we'll probably place this one somewhere in the Hot Mix 2020 and we can complain more when the time arrives. We're just surprised that labels and promoters are still willing to invest in singles that are actually memorable upon the first listen. And hey, they even have a Bandcamp:
Melvins Have A Weird New Song Called "Fuck You" And Jon Anderson From Yes Has A New Song Called "Go Screw Yourself"
Songs like these are the ones that make the most sense right now. We're happy anyone else gets it.
New Teenage Wrist Album Is Good
We were hoping they would continue sounding like Live's Throwing Copper LP (see 2016's "Stoned Alone") but they have upgraded their sound n stuff and it's good.
After Hours Top 20 Most Played -- Week Of February 8th
For once, here's a chart that doesn't entirely suck. Tell your friends all about it:
This week | ARTIST Title | Links |
1 | EYEHATEGOD High Risk Trigger | Youtube |
2 | EMMA RUTH RUNDLE & THOU Hollywood | thou.bandcamp.com/ track/hollywood |
3 | GLITTERER Are You Sure? | glitterer.bandcamp.com/ track/are-you-sure |
4 | BEDWETTER Headboard | Youtube |
5 | WEEZER All My Favorite Songs | Youtube |
6 | DAVID NANCE The Merchandise | davidnance.bandcamp.com/ track/the-merchandise |
7 | SOMERSET THROWER Accelerate Now | bbbrecords.bandcamp.com/ track/accelerate-now |
8 | GLITTERER Didn't Want It | glitterer.bandcamp.com/ track/didnt-want-it |
9 | MINDFORCE Reign Of Terror | bbbrecords.bandcamp.com/ track/reign-of-terror |
10 | ANXIOUS More Than A Letter | bbbrecords.bandcamp.com/ track/more-than-a-letter |
11 | MELVINS The Great Good Place | melvinsofficial.bandcamp.com/ track/the-great-good-place |
12 | DAVID NANCE When The Covers Come Off | davidnance.bandcamp.com/ track/when-the-covers-come-off |
13 | THIRDFACE Villains! | thirdface.bandcamp.com/ track/villains-2 |
14 | CHEVELLE Self Destructor | Youtube |
15 | ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER No Nightmares | oneohtrixpointnever.bandcamp .com/ track/no-nightmares |
16 | BAARDVADER Walking On The Moon | baardvader.bandcamp.com/ track/walking-on-the-moon |
17 | HIGHER POWER King Of My Domain | Youtube |
18 | EMMA RUTH RUNDLE & THOU Into Being | thou.bandcamp.com/ track/into-being |
19 | CODE ORANGE Autumn and Carbine | Youtube |
20 | HUM Step Into You | humband.bandcamp.com/ track/step-into-you |
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