77. Satan’s Satyrs “Ain’t That Lovin’ You Baby” If only it were 1991 again -- back when it was common for The Black Crowes' cover of Otis Redding's "Hard To Handle" and Ugly Kid Joe's "I Hate Everything About You" commonly bumped on MTV and Z100 transitioning in and out of jams from the likes of Janet Jackson and MC Hammer. (We're assuming Top 40 stations used to play "Once Bitten Twice Shy" in the late '80s, but that was before our time.) This long forgotten sub-subgenre is what Satan's Satyrs has sonically achieved with their update on a '50s R&B standard. Needless to say, we're all for it. It's hilarious and a lot more fun than it has any right to be. And it should never have disappeared in the first place. Why was there only one of these in 2018? We need more.
76. Night Birds “My Dad Is The BTK”
Yeah sure, and my landlord is John Wayne Gacy.
75. Rosalia “Pienso En Tu Mira”
74. Courtney Barnett “Need a Little Time”
"I'm Obama and I say we turn this shit the fuck up." - Barack Obama, closing his eyes, nodding on the downbeats
73. Terminator 2 “Negative Reinforcement”
Terminator 2 is back??? We wish. The Dallas two-piece recorded this enormously brutal jam in 2014-2015, keeping it unreleased until mid-2018. It's huge though.
66. Thingy “Not to Follow” / Goblin Cock "Hammond Song" Mad respect to Rob Crow for even considering the immense creative challenge tackled through his 2018 Joyful Noise residency. But also respect is due for welcoming the breakneck release schedule as an opportunity to revisit Optiganally Yours and Thingy, two bands who hadn't released any new music since 2000. As far as we can tell, neither of these bands had ever split up, but the enormous success of Pinback (originally intended a a side project) resulted in the unexpected stretch between releases. We have not yet heard the entire box, but a random sampling indicates a lack of throwaways, performed entirely to precision, meticulously recorded and mixed, carefully sequenced -- especially Anal Trump's outstanding The First 100 Songs LP.
Goblin Cock's curious all-covers entry marks a sonic departure from the group's previous releases. A loud, demonic, and refreshingly cloaked version of The Monkees' "Porpoise Song" obscures its psychedelic affiliation. Our personal highlight goes to an exciting thrash take of The Roches' "Hammond Song." We're not sure why we chose "Not To Follow" as the Thingy stand-out, but it's definitely a strong one-song representation of their record as a whole.
"Not To Follow" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBtxTVXeQog&t=497s
"Hammond Song" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tM65kpHzz0
61. Kacey Musgraves “Lonely Weekend” "Slow Burn" is fine, but we don't really get why it turned into the critical favorite of this record. Same goes for "Rainbow" -- a very strange choice for the post-Grammy-hype radio single. "Butterflies" and "Space Cowboy" were also fine choices for album previews. But all of the above don't feel hooky enough to stand-out within pop-country radio. (Modern country fans still listen to old-fashioned regular-ass radio, by the way.) "Lonely Weekend" and "High Horse" are clearly the two songs that are easiest to remember after one listen. They are the obvious pop hits, and should have been treated as such. Another enormous blunder in the world of modern radio programming, further proof that "the biz" collectively has no idea what the fuck they are doing.
TASTE MY KIDS is a digital newsletter compiling recommendations for a happier and healthier existence, most often in the form of "best-of" lists, youtube posts, album or movie reviews, and various scribblings. We lived on Geocities starting in August 2000. In January 2009, times got tough and posts were on hiatus until a new host could be located. Geocities eventually died anyway, and now we live on blogspot. True story.
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