By New Years Eve, TMK will be the most fire spitting it's ever been.
It begins now with Retro 2018.
Last year around this time, we reported that rock and metal had improved in 2017. But nothing could have prepped us for the dopeness of loud rock in 2018 --
which is ironic since we've never seen so many blog headlines featuring old men (guys like Flea, Bono, Slash - usually people who go by one name) in interviews complaining about the state of modern rock. (God bless Tad, the only one-named rock god to publicly complain about the complainers.)
It was also a pretty great year for pop singles, which oddly suffered the same fate as rock music: Radio stays away from the best stuff, opting to flood the airwaves with songs written and recorded by people who hate music.
Hiphop & R&B could use some improvement, but they were fine overall.
The worst genre of 2018 was Pitchfork-friendly soft indie-rock. Goodbye Father John Misty. Farewell Sun Kil Moon. It was tough admitting that we actively enjoyed the Beach House album. But overall, the bands who were critical favorites between 2008 and 2011 are simply not what the world needs right now. The world needs loud and often angry rock music.
As always, our first EOY feature lists the year's finest and most noteworthy music videos. Stick with us.....
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